5 Signs Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked

7 min readMay 4, 2021

5 Signs Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked

The Sacral Chakra is located below our belly button and deals with our emotions, sexual energy, joy, creativity and how we bond with others. Through the Sacral Chakra we are able to securely attach to others while still valuing ourselves. To learn about the basics of the Sacral Chakra, click here. When our Sacral Chakra is blocked, the energy is not actively flowing through, making it difficult for us to create. Here are five signs that your Sacral Charka is blocked/imbalanced.

1. You have no boundaries with others

If you are constantly trying to fix people, solve their problems, feel taken advantage of, feel unheard, put others needs before your own, or are constantly defending yourself you may have an issue with boundaries. You may find yourself constantly saying yes to things when inside you are screaming no.

Boundaries are the acceptable restrictions we establish with people in our life, regardless of their response to it. Setting boundaries with our coworkers, friends, and family can feel difficult and uncomfortable if we only feel loved and valued through self-sacrificing. You may fear that you are doing something wrong or others will not love us anymore. When the line is blurred of what you are feeling vs what someone else is feeling, you might not know what thoughts and emotions are your own.

Before you begin setting boundaries, you need to first understand them. Tune into your feelings when a family member drops in unannounced, your coworkers give you more work when you’re already overwhelmed, when your significant other books up your weekends without your consent. Once you can define your feelings and realize how these actions are not bettering your life, you can begin setting restrictions for how much of your energy and time people have access too. It might be painful at first, and people who are used to walking all over you can lash out in anger and put the guilt trip on you, but those are probably people who do not belong in your life. Having strong boundaries with help you with your self-worth, self-respect, and identity.

2. You have anxious/avoidant attachment styles

Attachment styles are formed during childhood due to the relationship with your primary caregivers. According to psychologist John Bowlby, the three attachment styles are secure, anxious, and avoidant. These styles are thought to be how we form emotional bonds with other people throughout our lifetime. When a child gets their physical and emotional needs met by their caregiver, they are able to form a secure attachment. The child feels safe and confident in their surroundings and knows their caregiver will be there to comfort them. As an adult, this can translate to someone who is able and willing to express their emotions/emotional needs, allow their partner to have their own independence, and has confidence and trust in their relationships.

Anxious attachment style can occur when the primary caregiver was inconsistent in their nurturing and attention to the child. There could have been times where the caregiver was extremely loving to their child and other times where they ignored them. This inconsistently can confuse the child and lead to feeling insecure as they are unsure which behavior they will receive. As an adult, this can lead to a lack of confidence, need constant affection and attention, have a deep fear of abandonment, and being overly sensitive to their partner’s needs. Avoidant attachment style occurs when the caregiver is emotionally unavailable to their child and cannot properly respond to them. Once the child’s emotional needs are continually rejected, they learn to stop expressing their emotions or seeking intimacy with their caregiver. As an adult, this can lead to difficulty connecting with others, finding fault easily in others, have difficulty asking for help for fear they will not appear independent and sufficient on their own.

Personally, I do not believe that we are stuck with whatever attachment style was defined as infants. With personal development or help from a therapist/coach, you will be able to form a secure attachment with your loved ones in adult life. You may also not identify with only one attachment style and find yourself switching throughout them in different situations. Be gentle with yourself during your healing process.

3. It’s hard to source energy for creativity

You are constantly creating everything in life, from your day-to-day actions to your thoughts and feelings. You are creating anything you are bringing into existence — drawing, singing, dancing, writing, etc. Creativity flows freely when we are able to be present in the moment and in tune with our creation. Nothing else matters besides what you are bringing to life. Time flies by, you are unaware if you’re hungry or tired, and you feel a deep intrinsic reward. When you are not in the state of flow, it can be extremely difficult to get your creative task done. Anyone in the arts knows what a creative block is and has felt it at some time. It feels impossible to create anything and it can be extremely frustrating, especially if you are approaching a deadline or this is how you feed yourself. Creative blocks can lead to feeling of overwhelm, anxiety, and depression.

Reasons for creative blocks can be constantly criticizing yourself, dependency on substances (example: thinking you can’t write without smoking weed or paint without alcohol), fearful of people’s judgement on the finished product, never thinking your work will turn out good enough, or not believing you have the talent, energy, or ability to create your idea.

4. You feel emotionally unstable Emotional instability is a sudden drop in mood that can last for a few hours to a few days. Being happy all the time is an unrealistic expectation, but if you find yourself flying off the handle at a small inconvenience, going down a spiral of worry and fear, or feeling hopeless and helpless it may be hard to regulate your emotions. During these moments, you may find yourself judging even the smallest feeling you have, trying to control any person or their perception of you, or digging to find the “deeper meaning” in every situation. You may make impulsive actions out of anger or fear of abandonment that you will regret or feel guilty about when you come down from this current state.

Dealing with these feelings and moments of instability can be extremely difficult, but there are tools you can take to get through these emotions. When you start feeling this way, the best thing you can do is ground yourself back into reality. Many times, you are thinking worst case scenarios and thinking of events that will never take place. Come back down to the present and just see the situation for what it is. This may be extremely difficult at first, but with practice you will start to get easier. Breathwork or Happiness Frequencies will help to ground you in the present moment, if you are unable to use those techniques in the moment — name 2 items for each of the 5 senses. Remind yourself you are in control of yourself (not anyone else) and how you respond to things. If you need to vent or journal, try to find a way to release instead of suppressing your feelings. Without criticizing yourself or your emotions, writing everything out on the computer and erasing it after helps to get your thoughts out and not have to ever think of them/see them again if you don’t want to.

5. You have physical issues with your sexual/reproductive organs, urinary, kidney and spleen.

The connection between the mind and the body shows us that our body mirrors our emotional state. The longer an emotion is not dealt with (we don’t resolve the problem or suppress it) the more that energy gets trapped/stored in the body. Eventually, you will begin to see this manifested into a physical illness.

Injury or weakening of the kidneys deal with fear and are often called “the seat of fear”. This may mean that fear is trapped and building up in your body. To be able to move forward in life, release old damaging patterns and shed tears for what has been. Although fear will come and go throughout life, persistent fear leads to the inability to recharge and regulate emotions.

Urinary infections occur when the bladder or urinary tract becomes inflamed, causing pain and feeling as though you need to urinate, but nothing comes out. Spiritually, urinary tract infections are linked to problems and unresolved anger in your intimate relationships. You may blame your lover for the problems you are being faced with in your relationship/life. Decisions need to be made regarding the future of your relationship with your partner as well as how you will deal with these problems independently.

The Spleen begins to have complications when our worrying turns into an obsession. Constantly worrying about someone/something to the point where all your mental functions are fixated on these worries, you are no longer able to think clearly or accurately. You struggle to detach from the issue and keep the faith that things will work out how they are supposed to. Issues with the spleen can result in in poor digestion, bloating, and lengthy and heavy periods for women.

** The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. **




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